Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Small Furry Tiger Cubs

Welcome (back) to Weirdbeautiful.

Link-of-the-day today is this story in The Sun about the first outing of one of the new tiger cubs at Chester Zoo- You can read the full article here--> http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3952370/Tiger-cub-earns-stripes.html

The other news this week is that Small Furry Pets magazine has now been launched. There are more details online here-->    http://www.smallfurrypets.co.uk/

and you can buy a copy here--> http://www.smallfurrypets.co.uk/buy-now.html

I have an interview published in the launch issue, where I talk to Dr Charlotte Burn of the Royal Veterinary College about rat care and her work on animal welfare more generally.