Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Best of the Web- Today's Links- Robotic Hands, Hooded crows and bald parrots

The first of today's links is to a short story about an amputee being fitted with a robotic hand and learning to move it with his mind. This was the stuff of science fiction just a short time ago.


The second link is to a lovely image of a stand-off between a cat and one of my favourite bird species: a hooded crow, Corvus cornix. Actually, I have just spent this afternoon writing about the hooded crow for a feature in the "weirdbeautiful" book. Found across Eurasia, not only are they elegant, but, like a lot of the crow family, they are highly intelligent birds. The image is here-


Finally, thanks to the tabloids (in this case the British newspaper "The Sun") , we have a heart warming story about a bald parrot .... so, if you have ever wondered what a parrot would look like without any feathers (odd and more than a little ungainly, it has to be said), the images and story are here- http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2765753/Parrot-with-no-feathers-lives-happily.html

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