This beautiful creature is a Mandarinfish, Synchiropus splendidus. This image is by Luc Viatour and he owns the copyright (Mr. Viatour's website is http://www.lucnix.be and is full of fantastic images on a range of themes- I strongly recommend it). This image is reproduced here in accordance with its Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 licence -for details, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Synchiropus_splendidus_2_Luc_Viatour.jpg
Today, I also want to post a series of links to an article by MSN, MSN UK in fact,whose travel section has today posted a gallery of 50 of the world's most "beautiful things". It shouldn't come as any great surprise that many of the images are photos of wonders of the natural world- the following are links to my favourites-
The weirdest is probably this picture of algae in the Caños Cristales river in Colombia-
There is also a wonderful view of the Grand Canyon-
and a great shot of the Wadi Rum desert, in South Western Jordan-
Beautiful animals get a mention, too, with this great picture of the resplendent quetzal: surely the most beautiful bird on Earth -
and, last but not least, the msn list also includes the world's "most beautiful fish"- the "mandarinfish" or "mandarin dragonet". The MSN list's photograph is not as awe-inspiring as Mr. Luc Viatour's image above, but is still more than worth the detour
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