Quote of the Week- Albert Einstein on the key to his thoughts
“When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.”
Thank you for visiting my blog. Like many people, I have been fascinated by the natural world all my life. After completing a degree in microbiology and a doctorate in zoology, I worked for five years as a research biologist and another three as a freelance science writer, magazine columnist and nature photographer.
I am currently employed at The University of Namur, in Belgium as a Research Scientist and Lecturer (maître des conferences) in Science Communication.
I have two blogs- "Weirdbeautiful", which I update and write myself, and "Victoria Neblik Art", which is usually updated for me. If you want to see more of my work, I also have regular interview columns in "Practical Reptile Keeping" Magazine and “Small Furry Pets” Magazine, some videos on youtube and several books in various stages of the publication process.
You can contact me through my website- http://www.victorianeblik.com.
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