Welcome (back) to Weirdbeautiful. Quote-of-the-day today is on the theme of conservation-
"Ultimately, the decision to save the environment must come from the human heart. The key point is a call for a genuine sense of universal responsibility that is based on love, compassion and clear awareness"
- The Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (in "Humanity and Ecology").
The first Link-of-the-day today is to this graphic on the "Information is Beautiful" science-in-society website. The graphic- "Mountains out of molehills" shows how the relative coverage of scientific events, disease outbreaks etc. is not very closely correlated to the severity of the incident- http://www.informationisbeautiful.net/play/mountains-out-of-molehills/
Today's second, vaguely scientific link is this piece in The Guardian giving advice on spotting the space ship "Endeavour" in the skies over Britain in late May-
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